I’ve been thinking a lot about how to uncover hidden opportunity and growth in the midst of this global pandemic.
It’s like the contrarian investment mogul Baron Rothschild said back in the 18th century…
“Buy When There’s Blood in the Streets.”
The thing is, I’ve noticed that statement can be quite triggering for some people.
Because some people read that as, “Take advantage of people’s misfortunes.”
But that’s not how I interpret it all.
When I read between the lines, I see, “Look for emerging or hidden opportunities that might not be blatantly obvious to the average Joe.”
I can’t think of a single industry or market that hasn’t been impacted by this pandemic.
Many have had to pivot and adapt quickly – like restaurants and bars. Some will never be the same again – like airlines and concert halls.
And all of them have needed to revisit their marketing and messaging to stay relevant, and avoid coming off as “tone deaf.”
If you think about it…
It’s the EXACT same approach that copywriters take to develop a genius “big idea”…
Taking a universally-understood concept, simplifying it so it can be easily consumed, and presenting it in a way that is new, exciting, and drives curiosity.
That “adjustment of the ordinary” – the tweaking of existing ideas to adapt them to the current landscape…
THAT’S what I’m excited to explore.
For example, there’s this new robot named Stretch that helps with physical tasks around the house like cleaning, laundry, and tidying up:
How cool would it be if service providers (who are currently out of work) like in-home chefs, house cleaners, or dog sitters could use this technology to provide safe and sterile service to their customers WITHOUT ever coming in to contact with them.
As a copywriter, this makes my fingers tingle just thinking about it – all the different ways I could position this to revolutionize an industry that previously required you to invite people into your home.
Then there’s opportunties like contactless payments – which has been standard in MOST developed countries for YEARS and is only now starting to take off in the US.
Think of the headline potential…
“It’s never been more dangerous to enter your pin code.”
Come on. That’s just fun.
Then of course there’s SO much opportunity in manufacturing and automation.
And how about industries like therapy and mental health?
I mean, you KNOW people are going to get PTSD from this thing…
Being locked inside their house for months at a time with their … *gasp* … FAMILY.
My Instagram ads have shown me a dramatic increase in “tele-therapy” and app-based mental health services.
The emerging opportunities seem endless.
So let me ask you a question…
Does this idea excite you, or terrify you?
If it’s the latter, I’d love to know why.
And regardless of how you feel about it, I’d love to explore this more with you.
Email me here and tell me – What hidden opportunities do you see potentially emerging in YOUR industry?
And when you’re ready…
When you’re ready, here are 3 more ways I can help you.
#1 – Write faster with my All-Purpose Advertorial Template
Step inside my “private copywriting vault” and use this template to quickly and easily create high-performance advertorial pre-sale pages. Grab the all-purpose advertorial template here.
#2 – Learn how to launch a freelance copywriting career from scratch.
Getting started and landing those first clients is the hardest part. That’s why Kevin Rogers and I created Escape Velocity. Click here to learn more about this step-by-step training program on how to kickstart a freelance career, attract quality clients, and confidently deliver great work.
#3 – Join my personal coaching mastermind.
Each week I personally work with a small group of freelancers to help them level-up their skills and build the business of their dreams. Right now it’s by invitation only (we’re a pretty tight-knit group), but are open to meeting new freelancers who’d like to join. If you’d like to learn more, contact me here and tell me a bit about your business! I’ll be transparent about whether or not the program is a fit for you right now, and would love to hear more about what you’re working on.